Good Lord! Do I really care who A-Rod is boinkin'? Does anyone care? The world of sports is already in the gutter, can it sink any lower?
Okay we get it, A-Rod is a slime ball---maybe. But really, c'mon he's a 32 years old superstar playing for arguably the greatest sports franchise; who already banked $250 million and just signed another contract for another $275 million. This guy is among the few who walk among us that is living a charmed life. And with that kind of float, who wouldn't feel a sense of entitlement? Who wouldn't want to see what the world has to offer. I can't even imagine the kind of "opportunities" this guy must get on a daily basis, but I would guess that after a while you just give in to temptation. He's not doing anything differently than any one of us would do if we were in his position. The problem is......
He's married. And cheating is still considered, by most everyone standards, a no-no.
And so, other than the initial "titillation factor", which lasted ohhh about....4 seconds, I couldn't care less about this nonsense. Could you? Sure it's a little bizarre. I mean, with all do respect to Madge (almost 50), you'd think A-Rod would a least try to finish boinkin' the entire 18-45 female demographic first before moving up the ladder. Personally, I think C-Rod is hot. I can't see trading her in for Madonna, but hey.......
Speaking of C-Rod, this story continues to get even stranger. So let me get this straight. Your husband, a multi-millionaire, superstar professional athlete is allegedly cheating on you. His infidelity becomes public knowledge, but instead of kicking his ass out of the house you decide not to take any action. Hmmmm. Okay, I can see it. You have time vested in the marriage and you don't want to just throw it all away. Maybe you keep it together for the sake of your 2 year old baby. Maybe you're just biding your time, waiting for the right moment to introduce your hubby to Mr. Divorce Attorney. But instead, you get pregnant and then after the baby is born (10 weeks later) you decide to run off to Paris with.....Lenny Kravitz??? Arghhh! How did that happen? Did the world spin off it's axis? Well, I don't want to jump to any conclusions, so I'll give these two (the Rods') the benefit of the doubt. But if you're like me, you're just not interested in this stuff. Once the media sinks their teeth into a story like this, it turns into a soap opera that will be reported on ad nausea. I rather read and hear about more wholesome things about star athletes like their criminal prosecution or ...........Did McNamee really stick a needle full of steroids into the ass of Roger Clemen's wife?. How 'bout you?
Okay we get it, A-Rod is a slime ball---maybe. But really, c'mon he's a 32 years old superstar playing for arguably the greatest sports franchise; who already banked $250 million and just signed another contract for another $275 million. This guy is among the few who walk among us that is living a charmed life. And with that kind of float, who wouldn't feel a sense of entitlement? Who wouldn't want to see what the world has to offer. I can't even imagine the kind of "opportunities" this guy must get on a daily basis, but I would guess that after a while you just give in to temptation. He's not doing anything differently than any one of us would do if we were in his position. The problem is......
He's married. And cheating is still considered, by most everyone standards, a no-no.
And so, other than the initial "titillation factor", which lasted ohhh about....4 seconds, I couldn't care less about this nonsense. Could you? Sure it's a little bizarre. I mean, with all do respect to Madge (almost 50), you'd think A-Rod would a least try to finish boinkin' the entire 18-45 female demographic first before moving up the ladder. Personally, I think C-Rod is hot. I can't see trading her in for Madonna, but hey.......
Speaking of C-Rod, this story continues to get even stranger. So let me get this straight. Your husband, a multi-millionaire, superstar professional athlete is allegedly cheating on you. His infidelity becomes public knowledge, but instead of kicking his ass out of the house you decide not to take any action. Hmmmm. Okay, I can see it. You have time vested in the marriage and you don't want to just throw it all away. Maybe you keep it together for the sake of your 2 year old baby. Maybe you're just biding your time, waiting for the right moment to introduce your hubby to Mr. Divorce Attorney. But instead, you get pregnant and then after the baby is born (10 weeks later) you decide to run off to Paris with.....Lenny Kravitz??? Arghhh! How did that happen? Did the world spin off it's axis? Well, I don't want to jump to any conclusions, so I'll give these two (the Rods') the benefit of the doubt. But if you're like me, you're just not interested in this stuff. Once the media sinks their teeth into a story like this, it turns into a soap opera that will be reported on ad nausea. I rather read and hear about more wholesome things about star athletes like their criminal prosecution or ...........Did McNamee really stick a needle full of steroids into the ass of Roger Clemen's wife?. How 'bout you?
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