Well, training camps will be opening across the country this week and so, the season is just about upon us. And for thousands of fans, that means its fantasy football time.
Fans all over the country are in various stages of draft preparation (yous truly, included) and so I thought I would refer a few websites in this post to serve as a sort of starter kit /resource center. Of course there's no way to list all the good sites because I'm sure there are a gazillion of them (since apparently, everyone is an expert with an opinion).
My experience has been that rather than try and read and rely on everything and everyone for information, just pick a few sites and limit yourself to just those. By doing so, you eliminate the information overload and brain lock you get when trying to break down advice that often conflicting. Often players are recommended with full disclosure for the pros and cons and after your done reading the stuff you're thoroughly confused. It's best to just keep it simple. Remember that sometimes the stuff you read is only the opinion of these so-called experts, which are often no better than your own.
Years ago before the explosion of the Internet, it may have made sense to read as much as you could so as to get an advantage over the other owners. The thought was that you might read something that some of your other league owners might not have read or had access to. But now, everyone has access to everything and there is no such thing as sleepers anymore since everyone is reading virtually the same material. It's all out there. Everyone knows how to Google so the likelihood that you may pull one over on someone in your draft is very remote. Don't go crazy. Here are two very helpful websites that I have used over the years to help me prepare.
Websites: > Fantasy Football Index, >Pro Football Weekly
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