Monday, July 7, 2008

A Nice Story For A Change: Chiefs Tony G. Saves A Life

We have become so desensitized about almost everything these days that almost nothing shocks us anymore. We live in a society where everything/everyone is fair game to our pop culture standards, which depending on your point of view is either passe or, plummeting faster than the China Syndrome. In general, athletes today are perceived on a scale somewhere between overly paid entertainers with an irrational sense of entitlement or malcontent thugs that belong in prison. Neither of this is true (save of a few) of course, but the public persona of sports athletes has been severely tarnished based on what's been reported over the years. So with that in mind, it was nice to hear that Kansas City Chiefs TE Tony Gonzalez was credited with saving a man's life this past Thursday night in California. Nice going Tony.

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