Really. Has greed in athletes reached such a height that players will squeeze every last penny out of their employers just (shaking head in disbelief) because they can? Let me be clear. This is the greatest country in the world and players should get paid their market rate. I don't have any major beef with Sabathia getting the extra $30 mill. At the same time you just have to wonder. $92 million over the next 5 years wasn't enough?? Sabathia (more specifically, his weasely agent) in effect told the Yankees "I want more or I'm leaving". And so, they just rolled over on their backs and gave it to him. I guess when you already have quad-trillion dollar payroll, what's another $30 million. Especially since they're not actually paying his salary. I beleive the mindset is that we'll just pass the cost on to our sniveling sucker fans.